Cherish Your Independence

As I have a few minutes this beautiful (and very hot) Independence Day 2019, I take a few minutes to reflect on what freedom has meant to me through the years…


The first thought is how thankful I am that my parents had the opportunity to be educated and be employed in different careers than their parents.  This allowed them to build a better life for themselves, for me, and for my two brothers. I appreciate their example of dedication and strong work ethic.  It has helped me immeasurably in my life and with my family.


My next thought is the opportunity I had to receive an education, attend a college of my choice, and seek meaningful employment.  I have had the privilege to reinvent myself through the years from computer science to wife to mother to childbirth educator to Licensed Mental Health Counselor specializing in marriage and couples counseling.  Each step of the journey doing what I love and enjoy!


Marriage -- The thrill and freedom to date, fall in love, and marry the person that you choose to spend the rest of your life with is truly a freedom worth celebrating!


Being a parent – Learning the art and skill of training, mentoring, and preparing our children to become responsible and functional adults.


Of course, this list could go on and on…

Freedom to speak and express our thoughts and opinions.

Freedom to vote for our elected officials.

Freedom to choose our faith and spirituality.

Freedom to live wherever we choose.

You fill in more…


As our founding fathers stated…life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness!


Moving forward through the second half of 2019, take the time to appreciate the freedoms you enjoy everyday.  Independence is a privilege to be cherished.

Carma Kuhn, MEd, LMHC -- 321.251.8344 --